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Gender Action Plan - Communities of Practice

Registrations for the Smart Energy industry’s Gender Action Plan communities of practice for 2024 are now open. 

Register now to join with other industry colleagues to learn how to tackle gender issues head-on, gain skills and build confidence and drive cultural change to make your workplace inclusive of and supportive for everyone. 

Improving our workplaces means increasing the chance of attracting and retaining larger numbers of qualified workers for the enormous challenge ahead – delivering at least 82% renewables into our energy network by 2030.

What do you get?

By completing this course, you shall:

  • understand the business case for evolving corporate culture for workforce wellbeing and businesses profitability
  • know the role that gender plays in influence and decision making
  • develop and be supported to deliver a plan of action on gender, specific to your work context
  • grow the skills to be an effective change agent in your organisation
  • obtain a set of materials targetted at tackling the three learning areas of relationships, respect and opportunities (e.g. model job descriptions, role play scenarios to workshop with existing and new staff)
  • access digital assets for your own use to promote your participation in the Gender Action Plan to customers, clients and other significant stakeholders
  • be supported by the Smart Energy Council’s public campaign to promote and celebrate Gender Action Plan champions within our industry
  • have a lot of fun, grow personally, and meet and keep new friends and colleagues in your smart energy supply chain.



  • 13 February: Refresh on the principles and purpose of gender and diversity; be challenged and learn how to discuss tricky topics with confidence; deepen your understanding of gender and how it intersects with other factors to determine someone’s influence and power in the workplace.
  • 20 February: Take the ‘gender’ pulse in your own workplace and with a new understanding of the drivers of engagement, explore your sphere of influence.
  • 12 March: Decide on your organisation’s vision for a gender diverse workplace and be supported to discover the design principles of your organisation’s Gender Action Plan
  • 30 April: Outline actions (beyond policies and processes) for achieving your organisation’s vision for a gender-diverse workplace. Examples include recruiting, developing and retaining the best and the brightest, celebrating women and the men that support them, promoting your business to take advantage of your improved workplace culture.
  • 14 May: Plan for and deliver examples of developing and strengthening relationships; delivering real outcomes for impacted stakeholders and finding the common thread in your peoples’ stories. (Date subject to change)
  • 18 May: Learn by doing, deepen understanding and implement your best approach. (Date subject to change)


Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation

13 February - 18 May 2024
Via Zoom
All prices in Australian dollar and include GST
Gender Action Plan – Communities of Practice


