Smart Energy in Action…
We share our knowledge, influence and voice to stand up for the industry and push for progress.
We relentlessly fight to deliver robust state and national smart energy policy, to create jobs, attract investment,
and stimulate manufacturing growth and export.
- Unfolding our smart energy industry Gender Action Plan to balance the gender gap in renewable industry
- Trying to secure hosting rights for the 31st UN Climate Conference (COP31) to be held in Australia in November 2026 in partnership with the Pacific.
- Launched the #SuperProfitsTax campaign countering the Gas Industry’s influence.
- Developed a smart energy industry Gender Action Plan to balance the gender gap in renewable industry.
- Pre-certified Frontier Energy’s Bristol Springs renewable hydrogen project.
- Oversaw the demise of the Energy Security Board (ESB) and #CoalKeeper.
- Founded the Climate Capital Forum, lobbying government and responsible investors to catalyse investment in decarbonisation projects.
- Made an extensive submission to the Fuel Efficiency Standards, after the release of the Electric Vehicle Strategy, and backed it up with a strong media campaign.
- Opposed the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) becoming mandatory in Victoria and Tasmania.
- Federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen announces Capacity Investment Scheme auctions at Smart Energy Conference 2023, a scheme developed including work from the Smart Energy Council.
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- Oversaw the world’s first certification of a Green Ammonia Plant in the Pilbara, a Yara and Engie collaboration
- Buried #CoalKeeper and saw the Capacity Investment Mechanism brought to life
- The Smart Energy Council welcomes a partnership with Rewiring Australia, advancing a shared plan of electrifying everything.
- Boldly advocated for a Government that believes in climate science, our support saw an unprecedented
- Oversaw the Albanese Government’s new emissions target, a 43 per cent cut to emissions by 2030.
- Federal, State and Territory Energy Ministers endorsed a new national Renewable Energy Storage Target scheme – based on extensive work by the Smart Energy Council.
- Launched a counter-campaign declaring war on the gas sector’s price-gouging, opposition of price caps and exorbitant profits following Russian energy sanctions.
- Buried #CoalKeeper and saw the Capacity Investment Mechanism brought to life.
- The Federal Government committed to a National Electric Vehicle Strategy and Fuel Efficiency Standards discussion paper at the Smart Energy Council’s EV Summit.
- Smart Energy Council CEO John Grimes addressed the Federal Jobs and Skills Summit, collaborating on the Powering Australia Skills Plan.
- Awarded grant funding to develop a Gender Action Plan, ensuring the Smart Energy Workforce is accessible for women.
- Established five key industry working groups: Australian Smart Energy Innovation and Manufacturing, Large-scale Renewables, Distributed Energy Resources, Renewable Energy Storage, Smart Transport.
- Established the Positive Quality program, setting high standards for excellence in solar manufacturing.
- Stopped Federal Government’s attempt to abolish the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.
- Hosted the record-breaking Smart Energy Conference, navigating COVID restrictions and providing contemporary health advice for the smart energy sector.
- Fended off the Federal Government’s #CoalKeeper plans that would see Aussies families taxed to prop up aging coal generators.
- Intervened to avoid a nationwide solar shutdown, saving tens of thousands of jobs, by extending regulation compliance dates for inverters.
- Launched our Federal Election campaign, featuring viral “Bin him” and “Chuck them out” sticker crusades – a successful outcome at the polls.
- Partnership launch with the German Energy Agency (DENA) to establish a certification for renewable hydrogen.
- Hosted Federal Labor leaders in Cairns for the announcement of the New Energy Apprenticeships scheme.
- Began works to establish the ACT Renewable Hydrogen Cluster.
- Hosted the massive Global Race to Zero Summit ahead of COP26, featuring thought-leaders, High Commissioners, Ambassadors and a former Prime Minister.
- Contribution to amendments made to solar battery standard.
- Contribution to fixing Victorian Government constrained solar battery rebates.
- Getting Victorian solar workers safely back to work after lockdown.
- Launch of world leading Zero Carbon Certification Scheme.
- Stopped NSW State Government attempt to tear up solar feed in tariff contracts.
- Stopped Federal Government attempt to abolish the Renewable Energy Target.
- Established and continued management of the ACT Renewables Hub in partnership with the territory government.
- Contribution to fixing Victorian Government Solar Homes Program.
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The Smart Energy Council is Australia’s peak independent body for renewables and the smart energy industry.
Our mission is to see a rapid national transition to sustainable sources of energy; fighting for our members, our community and for smarter energy policy.
We’ll swing at our most influential industries, governments and lobbyists… And we’ll win, with clever campaigns and our members’ backing.
We’re on your side, to advance your business and drive the nation towards a sustainable future – from developing robust standards, lobbying for individual members and the best interests of the smart energy sector.
Governments value our input, seek consultation before major policy decisions are made and are wary of the impact our hard-hitting advocacy has.
Members actively participate in shaping our industry, through: giving feedback on policy submissions, crowdsourcing ideas in our working groups, joining us at Parliament to meet with the departments, MPs and Senators to back the future of our industry.
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