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Become a Smart Installer

Access AU/NZ electrical standards and earn CPD points the easy way

$327.27 $0.00 / Year

Workman in Hardhat
Why Become a Smart Installer?
Who is Smart Installer for?

Only Smart Installer offers access to AU/NZ standards and an easy way to earn CPD points with in-person and mobile-friendly courses – all at no cost.

‘As someone who’s been in the solar industry for years, I know how challenging it can be to keep up with the latest standards and meet ongoing CPD requirements without it becoming a hassle.


The Smart Installer program has been really useful for me. Having free access to AU/NZ electrical standards is super helpful, and the courses with the CPD points are actually engaging and practical.’

Geoff Bragg, Training & Standards Coordinator and Solar Installer

Geoff Bragg Smart Installer Training 1 1

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