Green Loans Will Create Smarter, Cheaper, Cleaner Energy

The Smart Energy Council congratulates the federal government on freeing up the first round of funding to help Australians switch over to smarter, cleaner, cheaper energy.

The Household Energy Upgrades Fund will do that.

“At a time when Australians are experiencing bill shock due to the rising costs associated with fossil fuel generated electricity, the need to switch to low cost renewable energy has never made more economic sense,” Smart Energy Council Chief Executive John Grimes said.

“The Council has long advocated for cash-strapped households and businesses to be helped off high cost coal and gas, through the electrification of their premises.”

“Ministers Bowen and McAllister should be congratulated on recognising that not only must we reduce our emissions through the use of renewable energy, but also that doing so will help energy consumers cut their bill costs.”

“Smart energy systems like heat pumps, solar panels and batteries are by far the most logical way for people to bring down their power bills – but we know that many need a hand to get them.”

“The energy transition must not exclude those who can’t afford to make the switch.”

“The Smart Energy Council congratulates member company Plenti on being the inaugural financier for the Household Energy Upgrades Fund. Plenti understands solar and smart energy saves money and is playing a critical role in helping families reduce cost of living pressures.” 

The Smart Energy Council notes that today is the first funding announcement for the Household Energy Upgrades Fund, and urges the rapid expenditure of remaining funds to ensure Australian families can slash their power bills through smart energy and smart energy management.”

“There’s no time to waste here,” Mr Grimes said.

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