Small Business Membership

ENM Solutions


Consulting & Professional Services


120/1 Queens Road Melbourne, VIC, 3004 Australia
61 1300 000 366



ENM Solutions is a leading provider of Embedded Network and electrical Professional Services across the National Electricity Market. With clients in all major cities, we partner with some of the country’s most knowledgeable consultants, service providers and equipment manufacturers to conceptualise, design, implement and manage the future of the electricity market.

Emerging technologies, increasing connectivity, and instant access to information and products in the National Electricity Market is rapidly changing customer expectations and behaviours, while regulators consistently release revisions and extensions to laws, rules and guidelines in an attempt to stay up-to-date. ENM Solutions’ suite of Professional Services, supported by our experienced team and partners, enables Embedded Networks to have the confidence that their private electricity network is being run successfully, fairly and legally.