Better, Faster Approved Product Listing Process

Raise your voice for safe solar. Submit your response now.

Not enough is being done to keep low quality products out of our market.  To make sure what is delivered is at the same quality as what was tested in the first place.

Some companies produce high quality ‘golden samples’ for testing and then deliver low quality products which are not detected, putting safety and value for money at risk. 

This is our opportunity to demand improvements to the scheme, and ensure only high quality and safe solar products are used in Australia. 

Why is this important? If individuals don’t inform the CER that the current situation needs improvement, they won’t know and nothing will change.

Just 5 minutes of your time can help Australian solar become even safer, by making a submission to the CER about the current Approved Products Listing process. 

Everybody is encouraged to respond. 

Click below to send feedback. Learn more here.


Our members often report high levels of frustration with the current product listing process. 

Long wait times and inadequate resourcing.  

There are also concerns about the amount of actual product testing done, and ongoing compliance enforcement.


The result?

  • Customers are not getting the high-level assurance they are entitled to
  • Complying manufacturers are delayed from selling into the Australian market, sometimes for extended periods of time
  • Distributors face stock disruption, and installers are left dangling

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) wants your feedback on 2 critical questions:

  1. Should the CEC continue to manage the Approved Products List?
  2. If not, what process should be used?

A Better Way

Working with manufacturers the Smart Energy Council believes there is a better way to harness deep expertise, process applications quickly, and enforce standards going forward.  

An Approved Product List process centrally managed and delivered by a range of expert testing bodies in Australia and across the world, as shown below*:

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ElectricDark Bg4
CER SmartEnergy

This would:

  • Unlock global resources when there is a surge in demand, (e.g. when there is a change in Australian Standards, or state regulations) 
  • Create competitive tension between testing laboratories 
  • Allow manufactures to offer a one-stop-shop product certification and Australian Approved Product List process
  • Lower prices through process efficiencies

Time to Act!

If you want to see better outcomes for consumers and the industry in Australia, please:

  1. Tell the CER the current process is not good enough
  2. Ask for an improved process that will deliver better outcomes for consumers and the industry

Simply fill in your details and submit your response to 

A Better, Faster and More Responsive Process

If you want choice, competition, and a better product listing process, you need to act now!